How do I integrate my website, email marketing, and social media?

So you’ve decided to jump in and really get going on marketing your company online!  The first questions you may have are:

  1. What does online marketing mean?
  2. How do I do this most effectively?
  3. How can I push out (email out) my message while helping my own website stats?

Getting Started with Online Marketing

Online marketing can include, but is not limited to:

  • Blog Postings – providing quality content on your website for visitors to read and judge your company in addition to helping increase your SEO
  • Email Marketing – sending out emails to your customer base, colleagues or potential customers
  • Facebook Page – adding interesting information that adds value for your fan base
  • Google+ Updates – talking to your circles intimately
  • Twitter Tweets – providing bits of juicy info in a timely manner to your followers
  • LinkedIn Status Updates – writing great content for business
  • Pinterest Boards – providing beautiful photos that cause emotional reaction in your followers
  • Instagram Photos – uploading photos and video to spark interest and keep your product in mind
  • Flickr Photos – helping increase your SEO with photos on the web

How do I do this most effectively?

When working with any client, the first step we tell clients is you need to determine what pieces of the pie above will be most effective for your business, and which are the items you can handle easily or with minimal effort with your bandwidth of time and resources.  Chances are if you are just beginning this process you will not have the time or resources to continuously work on all of the above media outlets on a consistent basis.  Read through that list and pick a few items that you feel you can handle, or ask around in your office who uses some of this media already in their daily life and put that person in charge of that social media outlet.

Repurpose Content

In other words, send your message out in at least 3 formats to reach most of your customer base in one form or another.

Some of your constituent base reads your blog posting. Some read their email. Some read Facebook posts. Some are on Google+.  Basically, not all of your customers are following you on all media, nor do they use every piece of social media. This is why you need to send the same message out to all of these outlets in hopes of hitting almost everyone with your message.

The one item that we recommend is starting with the blog posting.

If you would like to be most effective, begin by focusing on posting interesting information to your blog, and then link back to the blog posting through: Email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.  This will drive people back to your website, increasing your hits on your pages, increasing your “social signals”, and making Google love you all the more.

Posting a link to your blog post on social media is called Social Pull Marketing.  This is a fantastic way to reach people who are already interested in your product for free!

How can I push out my message while helping my own website stats?

If you are currently using email marketing, and you provide your readers with the entire article, there is no incentive to click back to your website. The mail ends up in the inbox and it is a dead end. That is not to say that your email has not been effective, but in terms of increasing your click through rate to your website to generate hits, you have not accomplished that goal.  This is true also for any posts on social media.

Start with a blog post, then email out just an excerpt to your distribution list.  If readers would like more of the article, they will click through. If they click through a few things happen: you can target those clients that clicked through personally and in addition, maybe that client will see more information on your site that they had not known about before.

If you are using email marketing and you post an archive of your newsletters on your website which is just an iframe of your email provider’s newsletters, this is not helping your onsite SEO at all.  This is why you should post all articles which appear in your newsletter on your website as a blog and then link back to those articles.

If you are looking for a fantastic company to help you with your email marketing, take a wander over to My NewsGirl.  Cathy Drury is a Contact Contact Verified Partner. She can help you in many ways, from just setting up a template for you to use, to promoting events or writing your content and pushing it out on a consistent, regular schedule.  We at TechCare highly recommend My NewGirl’s services.

The Takeaway


Start with the blog post.  Write great content and send it out as much as you can handle.  Link back to the post!







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