Great! Now Here is Your Homework (if you are a new customer)!

Here is your homework before our meeting. You only need to do the homework in the section we are discussing. You don't need to do all three (unless you would like to work on all three!)

If you don't have a chance to complete the homework, we will reschedule our meeting, so make sure you find time to complete this!


Website Homework

  1. Make a list of all of your service areas and/or product categories. If you can group these together, please do so
  2. What problems do you solve for your customers and how do you solve these problems better than your competition? Why someone should choose your company to work with?  What is unique about your process or products? What pain points to you solve for your customers?<
  3. Please make a list of your competitors
  4. Make a list of the key words that you think you would like to be found on in google
  5. Make a list of all of the things that your website is doing well right now
  6. Make a list of all of the issues with your current website
  7. Make a list of the functionality and pages you would like to see in your new website

  8. Would you like to send this homework to your email so you have it for reference? Send us your email address and we will send the homework to your inbox!

See you on our call!